Funding and transparency

Proyecto I+D FIS2014-53434-P


  1. Collaboration Meeting and Seminar in Madrid, 27-31 March 2017. Visitor’s expenses: 551,73 €

  2. Collaboration Meeting and Seminar in Madrid, 20-31 March 2017. Visitor’s expenses: 2444,80 €

  3. Participation in the workshop “Pertinent ingredients for MR-EDF calculations”, Saclay, France, 27 Feb-2 March 2017: 257,12 €

  4. Participation in the ECT* workshop “Unravelling the complexity of nuclear systems: single-particle and collective aspects through the looking glass", Trento, Italy, 6-10 Feb 2017: 627,88 €


  1. Participation in the “ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting”, Geneva, Switzerland, 9-11 Dic: 546,72 €

  2. Participation in the “TRIUMF double-beta decay workshop", Vancouver, Canada, 9-15 May 2016: 332,21 €


  1. Purchase of a Server (Supermicro): 5452,20 €

  2. Collaboration Meeting in Madrid, 22 Nov-1 Dic. Visitor’s expenses: 638,00 €