Funding and transparency

Dotación del Programa Ramón y Cajal 2012-11420


  1. Technician contract: 2250,18 €

  2. Postdoctoral contract: 4893,37 €

  3. Purchase of textbooks: 157,50 €

  4. Participation in the conference “Third Topical Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure: "Advances in Nuclear Structure at Extreme Conditions". Bormio, Italy, Feb 2016: 1313,90 €


  1. Postdoctoral contract: 6129,43 €

  2. Participation in the “First Gogny Conference”,  Bruyères-le-Châtel, France, 7-11 Dic: 968,96 €

  3. Purchase of a Workstation (Supermicro): 1731,50 €

  4. Participation in the “3rd European Nuclear Physics Conference”, Groningen, Netherlands,30 Aug-5 Sep: 1529,75 €

  5. Participation in the conference “Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Nuclear Physics”, Jyväskylä, Finland, 31 May-5 Jun: 1340,68 €

  6. Participation in the “International Workshop XLIII on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations.”, Hirschegg, Austria, 11-17 Jan: 694,23 €


  1. Participation in the meeting “VI CPAN Days”, Sevilla, Spain, 20-22 Oct: 195,60 €

  2. Participation in the conference “Nuclear Structure 2014”, Vancouver, Canada, 19-25 Jul: 1422,08 €